In recent years, more and more hotels have used artificial lawn manufacturer & supplier in China instead of carpet greening. The reason is that synthetic turf manufacturer & supplier in China is more suitable for hotel greening.

Hotel guests are mostly traveling and meeting, and comfort should be the first consideration. The fake lawn grass manufacturer & supplier in China has no requirements for the shoes and feels comfortable, and the stability is particularly good, which can make every living customer relax wholeheartedly! The hotel's artificial lawn manufacturer & supplier in China has a long life and requires no maintenance.

Synthetic turf manufacturer & supplier in China is more suitable for hotels than golf courses. The reasons for this can be explained from three perspectives, one is the user group, the second is the shoes, and the third is the professional level. You should know that the hotel and the golf course face different user groups. The hotel guests are mostly visiting and meeting. The hotel should choose it as the ground. Because the true grass of the golf course is more delicate, the usual leather shoes or sports shoes are not suitable. Even if there is a golf course in the hotel, it is also used as an entertainment facility, so you can use fake lawn grass manufacturer & supplier in China.